Access to 12+ hours of detailed training videos that break down the GDD methodology and how to market, sell and service GDD with your clients.
Hit the ground running with pre-built templates and tools your agency can use to help build your GDD program.
See what Growth-Driven Design looks like in action and gain inspiration for your own website.
"The Growth-Driven Design Certification was the best digital marketing course I've ever done."
"The Growth-Driven Design certification is the fastest way to get you started, not only with GDD, but with agile approaches in general."
"The GDD Agency certification has had a major impact in aligning the company as our mindset shifted with the implementation of GDD. I am proud to say that we have all full-time members of our team GDD certified."
"Spend the time and do it! I encourage all new staff members take it no matter their role."
"The Growth-Driven Design Agency Certification provides a helpful perspective on how to adapt GDD to your agency.
Luke provides all of the relevant documents so that others can download the sheets and adapt them as they wish."
"It really makes you take a step back and do a little self-inventory on your agency's own marketing efforts."
The certification is divided up into two parts:
Whatever the role, the certification will be beneficial to complete. Everyone should have an understanding of the GDD methodology along with the agency specific content.
"Spend the time and do it! I encourage all new staff members take it no matter their role."
- Josh Harcus of Huify
How many people from the agency should get certified?
Although only one person at the agency needs to be certified for the agency to be certified, it's recommended to have as many people as possible (ideally everyone) certified. Additionally, incorporate the certification into new hire training.
Having everyone certified will make the transition quicker, everyone will speak the same language and execution will be better.
A common theme we've seen is the better the agency does with Growth-Driven Design, the more of their team members are certified.
Let's Rally the Team!
Share the GDD Agency Certification with your team and tackle it together.
Here is a sneek peek at the curriculm.
Growth-Driven Design Methodology:
Marketing, Selling & Servicing at your Agency
Each class includes video training, templates, additional resources, etc. Everything needed for you to hit the ground running.
Sound interesting?
Watch the classes first hand by starting the GDD Agency Certification now!
We do! 😃
Not only is there an entire class on "Packaging and Pricing", but in the additional resources we also have:
and more.
View all these resources and more now, start the GDD Agency Certification.
The number one reason to get certified is to gain the knowledge and resources to empower you in the transformation of your agency. Read the testimonials, it's powerful.
But, if that wasn't enough, here are some other benefits of completing the certification:
Your knowledge and badge awaits! Start the GDD Agency Certification now and level up.
Asking questions is key! 🤓
Every agency is unique and will run into different scenarios and challenges while getting their Growth-Driven Design program started.
Once enrolled in the certification, you will get access to our GDD Community Slack* group.
Here you can ask questions and get answers from both the certification instructors, but also from over 1500+ other agency folks.
This will allow you to crowd-source many different ideas and perspectives so you can find the best fit for your agency.
Get Your Invite, Join the Conversation
Star the GDD Agency Certification now and gain your invite to thousands of brilliant minds.
*Slack - For those not familiar with Slack, it is a group chat and messenger app (sort of like AOL back in the day). It's extremely easy to use.
Luke wakes up each morning excited to help others unlock their true potential. He does this as the Growth-Driven Design Evangelist at HubSpot.
Prior to HubSpot, Luke lead client strategy and UX at a web design agency until its acquisition. Feeling the challenges and limitations traditional web design posed to user experience first-hand, he created and experimented with a new methodology. Luke is also SCRUM Master and Product Owner certified by Jeff Sutherland.